There are risks with any medical procedure, including abortion. One of them is developing an infection.

If you think you are pregnant, Options Pregnancy Clinic can provide the answers you need. Our experienced medical team offers a free pregnancy test and ultrasound.

Contact us today to learn more. Meanwhile, if you had an abortion and are concerned about symptoms, here is what you should look for:

Signs Of Infection With A Medical Abortion

Otherwise known as the abortion pill, a medical abortion is two drugs given one or two days apart.

The first, mifepristone, blocks the production of progesterone. This action prevents the embryo from staying attached to the uterine wall. The second, misoprostol, is taken one or two days later and causes cramping to expel the embryo through the vagina.

Sometimes, not all of the fetal tissue is expelled, or bacteria gets into the system, which can cause an infection.

Warning signs of infection after a medical abortion include a high fever that lasts more than four hours or starts after you take misoprostol. There can also be a foul-smelling discharge.

Signs Of Infection With A Surgical Abortion

During a surgical abortion, such as a D&C (dilation and curettage), surgical instruments are used to open the cervix and either scrape or suction out the uterine contents.

Infection with a surgical abortion is rare. Some signs to look for would be fever and a foul-smelling discharge.

What Is Septic Shock?

If the abortion causes bacteria to enter the reproductive system or there is an incomplete abortion, there is a chance of developing septic shock. Signs to look for include high or low temperature, heavy bleeding, severe pain, low blood pressure, and chills.

Septic shock is considered a medical emergency, and you should seek help immediately.

What Should You Do If You Have Signs Of Infection?

With any abortion procedure, you should have a medical exam to make sure all is well after it is completed. This is especially true if you have signs of an infection.

If your symptoms are severe or you have signs of septic shock, call 911 immediately.

If you think you might be pregnant and haven’t made a decision yet, we provide factual information about your options. Make a free, confidential appointment at Options Pregnancy Clinic today. We are here to help!

Options Pregnancy Clinic does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.